Har testet tomat holderen som selges hos MollyMe på Lindås www.mollyme.no! Hele poenget med den er at den deler i jevne biter og en trenger ikke være redd for å skjære seg i fingrene. En av dagens super duppe ditter som du ikke visste at du ikke kunne leve uten! Men no vet du det, denne funker helt supert og alle burde ha en slik på kjøkkenet! Den kan også brukes til småløk og sopp! 🙂 Anbefales!
Mens jeg ventet på Rihanna skulle gjøre seg ferdig….
Tok meg en byfjell vandring mens jeg ventet på at konserten skulle bli ferdig så ungdommen kunne hentes! Masse flotte stier og turer i byfjellene. Jeg tenkte at dette var perfekte forhold for å prøve å lære hunden Theo hvordan den skulle oppføre seg på tur… men lettere sagt en gjort, den var helt forvirret av alle de spennende luktene i grøfte kantenen og helt stresset av å knurre på alle forbi passerende… kanskje på tide å spandere på et skikkelig dressur kurs…? En tolmodighets prøve som jeg ikke tror jeg bestod…. men uansett, det var veldig kjekt å nyte fjellet, naturen og varmen!!
I have lived most of my life close to Bergen city and have been thinking about this hike for a long long time…! Finally it was time to DO IT!! Me and my siste hiked from Ulriken mountain to Fløyen mountain, a wonderful hike thru beautiful scenery ending up with the amazing view of Bergen city from Fløyen. If you have visited Bergen, I am sure you took the funicular up to Fløyen and maybe even the aerial tramway up to Ulriken, but did you ever think about hiking between these mountains? If not, you HAVE to visit Bergen again and DO IT!
Enjoy the beautiful pictures and get inspired!
Looking up at Ulriken from the city. We are taking the aerial tramway up to the top!
I’m still scared of heights, but what can I do but to challenge myself….
Im doing fine… kind of… this is pretty scary…
Somebody get me out of this tram right now, this is way too high…..:)
I’m fine as soon as I have solid ground under my feet again, let the hike begin!
We are headed for the tower in the background.
Looking down at Jordal and Eidsvåg.
And finally we can see Ulriken mountain in the background.
Wonder if it is England I see in the distance…? 🙂
We made it to Fløyen! Only one last nice hike down from this mountain and we are back in town where we started!
Welcome to my beautiful city; BERGEN!
After a week of rain, it was wounderful to wakeup and see clear sky and sunlight! A perfect day for hiking, and I wanted to try a “new” mountain. I can see the top of the mountain from my apartment, but had never been on top of it before. It is called Austlendingen!
View from my apartment, the top is somewhere by the arrow..
To get to the top, I had to start from the highway and up over the waterfall… scary.. And Im VERY afraid of hights..
Beautiful view on my way up over the waterfall!
To keep the sheeps in the mountains..
Someone has been nice enough and put up ropes to hold on to over the stream..THANKS!
Ok, so this is where the falls start…. I had to get closer….even thoug Im totally scared…
Not too scary…. I can see my car down there..! Pretty cool!
I have climbed higher and can “see” my apartment..:)
These fellows followed me for a little while…nice company!
There are always some black sheeps among us… he he…
I can see the top in the distance!
And what a stunning view! Absolutely amazing, Im speakless!! And sooo quiet!!
This is the proof, I was really there!!!
Refreshing my feet in the freezing mountain water!! Nice!
It was a great hike but very though, especially getting back down since it was crazy steep and slippery several places. I dont think I will go back up there for awhile!! 🙂
Always on a Thursday!
For some reason we are supposed to eat raspeballer (komle, klubb, potato ball) on Thursdays. I wonder who came up with that idea..
Since it happens to be Thursday today, I decided to make raspeballer from scratch. I must admit that it is proparbly more than 15 years since I made them from scratch. I have become lazy and just buy them in a dry mix and add water.. But homemade is always best, and it is nice not to forget about the tradition it is to make these popular potato balls. My great grandmothers and grandmothers would have been shocked if they knew that I did not make them from scratch, but I hope they would have been pleased to see my effort today!
It is time to bring back focus to my wonderful “Kokebok”. It really have all kinds of recipes in it!!
1 lb and 10 oz (3/4 kg) raw potatoes (about 4 big ones)
2 boiled, cold potatoes (medium size)
2/3 cup barley flour
1/4 cup regular flour
1 tsp. salt
add more barley flour if the dough is to soft.
And this is how you do it:
Grate the raw potaotes. I tested the grater we sell at www.nordicgalleri.com and www.mollyme.no. Love it, works perfectly! It comes with a catcher and a lid.
Sift the potaoes for a while. You should leave it for at least one hour.
Lightly mash the two boiled, cold potatoes.
Mix all the ingredients.
Shape them with your hand and a spoon into the right size. Or get a ice creame scoop at Nordic Galleri, I should have brought one with me… could really have used one now..!
Drop them in boiling water added salt. Let them simmer. When the balls have floated up, they need to simmer for about 20-25 minutes.
There is lots of stuff you can enjoy with raspeballer. Something we usually have is mashed rutabaga. It is very easy to make.
Cut up rutabaga.
Let them boil until soft.
Mash them with some butter, salt and pepper.
And a little bacon on top is yummy!
And here it is ready to eat! We like sausages with raspeballer, these ones are not quite the right type, but they have to do….
Notice the nice plate? It is Sophie Conran for Portmeirion white, also sold at Nordic Galleri! www.nordicgalleri.com. And you can get them in Norway, soon to be on www.mollyme.no.
I have to say, they tasted delicious, I shall never again make them any other way than from scratch….!
Tok med en hvit hund på fjellet i dag! Den var ikke like hvit da vi kom ned igjen for å si det sånn. Jeg kom ned fra fjellet med en gjennomvåt, møkkete hund!
Det ble ikke Austlendingen, sparer den til en godværs dag, da blir det bedre bilder. Men Gladihaug er rett bak her jeg bor, og er kjekk uansett vær.. nesten..:)
Her har dere dagens tøffing: Theo the survivor!
Den første av mange søledammer som måtte utforskes!
Jeg klarte det!! Toppen er nådd!
Nydelig utsikt på Gladihaug i dag…
Rett i dusjen når vi kom hjem..
Ut til tørk…
Helt utslitt..
Grevinne armer JEG..?
Min kjære datter synes jeg begynner å bli slapp i fisken… er visst noe som heter “grevinne” armer..? Hørt slikt tull?? Uansett, hun har fått låne noen vekter som ser ut til å like seg i støv.. ikke bra..! I dag skulle jeg og en venninne egentlig på fjell tur til Austlendingen, men vi avlyste fordi tåken var så tett og lav at faren for å forsvinne i fjellet var ovehengende. Langt på kveld kom jeg på at jeg skulle børste støv av vektene..:) Men jeg må innrømme at å løfte vekter er ufattelig kjedelig. Jeg avlyste hele seansen kjapt og tok heller noen elendige bilder…!!
Tror det må bli fjelltur i morgen…:)
Noen muskler enda..?
Oj så sterk jeg er.. he he…
Jeg kan tilogmed løfte den over hodet..! Supersterk..:)
De tar seg egenlig best ut på matten synes jeg..:)
“Grevinne” armer JEG…??? Hva skjedde…?
I am hooked on mountains and I am guessing its because I am from the west coast of Norway…but also because my parents took me hiking a lot when I was a kid. I guess I was born with both skiis and hiking boots on my feet:)
This is from a hiking trip to Ådneburen mountain in Masfjorden. A steep and challenging hike, but soo worth it!! It was a rainy cold summer day last week!!
It was soo cold on the top, could not stay there for long….
Beautiful view 🙂
Back at the cabin, had to light a fire to get warm.. What a summer…!
With this recipe, you will NEVER again want to buy a can of tomato soup in the store!
This is my 21 year old Norwegian cookbook. It is very thick and have a lot of great information in it! And also many great recipes. As you can see, I have used it alot… The book has many of the traditional home made Norwegian food recipes, food that I grew up with. Every now and then, I open it up for any kind of information, and I always find something new or something that I have not eaten for many years. Like in the USA, Norwegians are eating much food that is not made from scratch, but with this soup, you will never again want to buy a can of tomato soup in the store!! Enjoy!!
2 slices of bacon
about 30 oz tomatoes (pick your favorites) In the reciepe is says you can use two boxes of canned tomatoes insead, but that would be like missing the whole point of homemade….
3 cups vegetable or beef broth
1 onion
1 tbs. butter (to fry the bacon and onion in)
3 tbs. flour
1 tsp. dry thyme
1 bay leaves
I forgot to buy bacon… but it tasted great anyway….!
Fry chopped bacon and oninon until the onion is soft. Notice the great spoon pot clip holder? You can buy it at Nordic Galleri www.nordicgalleri.com or order it in Norway at www.mollyme.no. !
Chopp the tomatoes and put in pan with onion and bacon. Let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Make sure it does not burn.
And the wonderful spoon pot clip is helping out again!! 🙂 What a great invention!!
Stir in flour, add the broth, timian and bay leafe. Let it boil for about 20 minutes.
Now its time to sift the soup.
Boil the soup a bit longer, until it has the right consistent that you like!
A piece of toast and some yellow cheese and the soup is ready! With our mini grater the job is very easy. Can also be purchased at www.nordicgalleri.com and www.mollyme.no 🙂
I must say this is the best tomato soup ever!! Let me know what you think! 🙂 Stay tuned for more great home made Norwegian recipes from my wonderful “Kokebok”.
Last night of knitting…:(
Always nice to come home to Norway!! I should have been in bed by now, but I am not tired since I slept until 1pm today… Jetlag… I figured if I can stay awake for a few more hours, I might be able to sleep the rest of the night.. Looking back at the few days I had in Fergus Falls made me realize that I had not shared the pictures from out last knitting group at Crates of Yarn. We had a wonderful time with lots of good food, you girls make the best potlock ever!! But it was also very sad, this was our last knitting group at the store! Soo sad that they had to close, but it is hard to do business in a down town like Fergus Falls, hard to survive financial! Its really a shame, the down town is beautiful and the stores have so much fun and interesting stuff, there is plenty of parking and several cafe/restaurants. I challenge everyone to spend a few hours downtown and explore all the greate stores!! And brag about it, post it on facebook, spread the word that we have a beautiful and interesting downtown!!
Kirk and Wendy, the two fantastic owners of Crates of Yarn!! Thank you soo much for having us all there every Thusday night!!