After a week of rain, it was wounderful to wakeup and see clear sky and sunlight! A perfect day for hiking, and I wanted to try a “new” mountain. I can see the top of the mountain from my apartment, but had never been on top of it before. It is called Austlendingen!

View from my apartment, the top is somewhere by the arrow..


To get to the top, I had to start from the highway and up over the waterfall… scary.. And Im VERY afraid of hights..

Beautiful view on my way up over the waterfall!

To keep the sheeps in the mountains..

Someone has been nice enough and put up ropes to hold on to over the stream..THANKS!

Ok, so this is where the falls start….  I had to get closer….even thoug Im totally scared…


Not too scary…. I can see my car down there..! Pretty cool!

I have climbed higher and can “see” my apartment..:)

These fellows followed me for a little while…nice company!

There are always some black sheeps among us… he he…

I can see the top in the distance!


And what a stunning view! Absolutely amazing, Im speakless!! And sooo quiet!!

This is the proof, I was really there!!!

Refreshing my feet in the freezing mountain water!! Nice!

It was a great hike but very though, especially getting back down since it was crazy steep and slippery several places. I dont think I will go back up there for awhile!! 🙂

2 kommentarer

    1. Så bra at du venta til det vart bra ver før du gjekk 🙂
      Kan ikkje gå glipp av den fantastiske utsikten !

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