Farewell Fergus Falls..

Is been a week since I closed down Nordic Galleri and left Fergus Falls. It was not an easy decision to end my store, but several incidence gave me no other options. The hardest part was making the decision, but as soon as that was done, the real work started. I had the store for sale in September and we had a 20% off store wide sale. Two persons showed interest in buying the store, but they both turned it down after a few weeks of consideration. Late September I went to Norsk Høstfest in Minot and sold items from Nordic Galleri. It is a good selling place and a lot of fun. Very busy week. 

Returning to Fergus Falls after Norsk Høstfest my two most busiest weeks started, it was time to get seurious about selling out Nordic Galleri. I only had these two weeks before I had to return to Norway. During these weeks I had a lot of visits from many friends and customers in Fergus Falls. It really warmed my heart and made it easier with all the support from everyone. Some people were sad, but I think everyone understood that running a business can cause many difficult issues and sometimes it is time to let go.

I would like to thank Claudia who has brought me so many of my favorite drink from City Bakery, Chai Latte, and who has been such a great support from day one, binging me lunch and taking me out to dinner several times! Arna, the previous owner of Nordic Galleri, also a great support and believer in me, Im sorry I had to be the one to close down the store, I know its harder for you than me. Juli, my good friend, taking me to hockey games with your handsome boys, biking in the summer and just hanging out and for making me cry when I read your goodbye note! Joni, for our walks and several movie nights, loved it. And please thank your wonderful parents from me, they are very special to me! Anne and Sean, for bringing wine and pizza and inviting me to your home so many times! Wendy, for accepting me as you did right away and invited me to the precious knitting nights, saved me from insanity when I got lonely being away from home several weeks! Marion, for loving Wik and Walsoe and for inviting me to meetings and to your home! Gladys, for inviting me along for a wonderful family Thanksgiving dinner, I forgot to say how thankful I was for that!

For Lois, who I could always depend on if I had any questions about whatever American stuff I did not understand. My great friends and neighbors, everyone at The Cuttery, Bahama Gold, Lincoln Ave Antiques and Collectors Corner , for putting together the pot lock and for giving me wine during work hours the day before the last day! And Carrie for being such a great neighbor the first year or two! Lance and Lisa, great next door neighbors! All my knitting friends, you all mean so much to me, Wendy, Juli, Heather, Ann, Kristina, Gloria, Linda, Ruthie, Denise, Kirk and there is a few more that I just cant remember the name, so sorry, I see your faces, but cant come up with the names…! Hal and Donna, you took me under your wings right away! Peg, for answering all my stupid tax questions. Jackie, for teaching me that Americans don’t eat fast food all the time, you actually eat homemade bread! For my wonderful employees, Karin, Linda, Brenda and Joy, I could not have done this with out you. Jean, for being positive all the time! Dawn, for posting wonderful Walmart stories on FB, love them! 

Nancy and Wayne, I cant tell you enough how much you have helped me and how much you mean to me! Kirsten, who helped me out with parking in Minneapolis the first year! Anne, for letting me use your car so many times, love you and I still owe you money..! My parents for bringing me to and from the airport in Bergen and always supported me no matter how hopeless it all seemed! Sissel, for chatting with me from Norway and lifted my spirit when I was feeling down. And my sister Aina, for coming over to visit so many times, staying in the store with me and being a great support! My beautiful daughter Lisbeth, who did not get too upset and tell me that I should have stayed at home with her, but understood and supported my adventure, I love you so much! Eirik, my favorite brother (did I mention that I only have one brother..), for coming over once with me and borrowing my car for a whole week so I had to walk to work in snowstorms, and for making us miss our flight back to Norway.. (well, that was kind of mostly mine mistake..) 😉

This kind of ended up like a very long Oscar speak, but there is just so many who has helped me the last four years of my adventures in Fergus Falls and America. I do apologize if I forgot to mention someone, please forgive me I know there is several others who helped and deserve a BIG thank you! Love you all! And a big thank you to customers who stopped in during these years. Its been my pleasure serving you. If you need anything Scandinavian, please visit Heidi and Sandra in Scandinavian Gift Shop in Alexandria, say hi from me!

A chapter in my life ended by selling out Nordic Galleri. I did not end up rich in money, but rich in so many more important ways, rich in experience, adventure, friendships and love! I will forever be grateful for my opportunity to own a business in USA, it has really been great!

And no it is time to start my new chapter in Norway, starting with moving out of my apartment in about a month and moving into a camper to try a new lifestyle, the simple living! I hope it will be fun! Check in on my blog sometimes, there will be reports..;)

Thanks for the cool candle light holder Claudia, and thanks for the cookbook Hal and Donna, it even have recipe for lutefisk and lefse!

2 kommentarer

    1. Hi Lise,
      I had to stop reading this. I was starting to cry. I’ll look at it again when it won’t make me so sad.
      Miss you,

    2. To bad that you had to close the shop. But it’s hard to be a business woman I guess. It has been fun reading about the experience, and I have been jealous sometimes. Hope to see you soon here in Norway. Good luck with your new adventures 🙂

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