When you have a visit from USA, this is the food to make!! A Norwegian traditional treat, mostly eaten in the afternoon with coffee, but we had it for breakfast! Perfect start to a perfect day!
This is what you need:
3 eggs
2 dl sugar (a little less than 1 cup)
9 dl buttermilk (a little less than 4 cups)
4 tbs. melted butter
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. hornsalt (you can order it from www.nordicgalleri.com or buy ammonium bicarbonate at the pharmacy.)
8 dl flour (3 1/3 cups)
Mix eggs and sugar.
Ad melted butter and the buttermilk. Then sift the dry ingredients.
You can cook the “sveles” on a griddle, or use a frying pan like I did.
Taste great with butter and jam.
My American friend Nancy is enjoying “svele” outside on the deck! 🙂
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